Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Timing is Everything

I've never made a fashionable entrance, but I am usually late. Not notoriously, like a couple Santa Clara friends (love you guys), but it has definitely turned into a bad (and disrespectful) habit.

Today, I rolled into class ten minutes late. Not that it mattered because the only thing I did during the period was my homework for the week. Yesterday, I missed the championship game tip-off because I was cleaning up Sage Haven. The day before, I was tardy to Easter dinner at the extended family's place. And the day before that I got on the chairlift an hour after I planned to be there.

I've got to pull myself together because I don't think grad school is an appropriate place to continue this trend, as illustrated by an incident at NYU's business school. But it's hard to stress out about timing in this laid-back lifestyle.

As I dart to missed appointments, I can't help feeling like there is just not enough time in the day to get it all done. I worry that if I'm feeling this way now, how am I going to get through school? And how am I going to achieve everything I want to in my career and life? An eerie voice echoes in my head: "Like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives." Replace the uplifting music with something more like this.

But really, timing is everything. Being in the right place at the right time was how I landed my job at Sunset.
While watching the NCAA championship yesterday, a Butler fan observed that the game would come down to who had the ball in the last seconds. (Luck or skill, Duke still won!)

What if I missed the clean energy boat? Who knows what will happen in three years? Copenhagen stole my idea of distributing renewable energy resources to developing countries. Hopefully it is still going strong in 2013... 2013! I can't predict what tomorrow will be like, much less a thousand tomorrows from now.

All I can do is try to prepare myself for anything. And be on time. Until then, I'll enjoy this late winter weather. Last chance, ski bum dance!


  1. Ah yes, Time and Chance: Ecclesiastes 9:11

  2. Sounds like a good time!! Keep in mind that, "preparation is where luck meets opportunity." Enjoy the grand finale of your last chance ski bum dance!!! I am soooo happy for you (but really miss you)!! A.C.
