Friday, July 2, 2010


New blog picture, new season. I must admit that I have the urge to write.

30 more days. That is all I have left in this beautiful town.

Weekly skiing has been replaced by weekly hikes. Time dedicated to class is now time dedicated to the cafe. Looking forward, I have a house lined up for North Carolina (sharing a three bedroom with two men in my program). I have my finances in order (I think). I have my cross-country route picked out: Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, New Mexico, Texas, New Orleans, Florida, and Durham.

Now that summer arrived last week, it really is stunning around here. Wildflowers blanket the hillsides. Craggy peaks hold on to the last bits of snow. A visit from my brother last week allowed me to explore new territory with an old pro. I'm also enjoying adventures on bike and foot with coworkers and friends.

And my classes? Most excellent marks from the community college courses, and I just turned in my last online class assignment after a full month of procrastination. Ready to officially satisfy my prerequisite needs with a final final.

Life is pretty stormy with new reasons to rejoice paired with new causes for concern. I'm going to enjoy the sunshine and encourage it to stick around for a while. The Fourth of July has always been my favorite holiday, and it seems that people in town like to celebrate it, too.

To those of you dedicated enough to discover this new entry, I'm sorry for the absence. Thank you for understanding my hiatus. I've been lucky enough to see most of you in recent weeks. Wish I had all of you here to dance out my last days as a bum.


  1. Wonderful to read your update. What a trip you have planned! I hope the Escape runs well for you. Let me know if you need company somewhere along the way. Love, Dad.

  2. I have checked for updates regularly, longing for more poetic words. I saw this when it was first posted, and it made all my waiting and watching worth it! We are answering your wish (careful what you wish for! hah!!) and will be there soon to join you as you dance out your last chance days!
