Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wacky week

Olympic fever, working 11 hour days, two exams, and house guests, oh my!

Let me modify that, I fall into the house guest category myself, but I'm sharing the title with 6 other people right now. It's ok; I like to share.

Presidents' Day has really thrown me off. In order to have a scholarship application postmarked by February 15th, I needed to get it to the post office before 2:00 PM on February 13th. No Town Series race this week, but I've been getting lots of monitor time between this announcement of last week's results and a little plug in a TIME interview with Michael Pollan. Unfortunately, the bloggers of Sun Valley got it wrong since I wasn't there to share anything, but I hope the gal that stole my identity enjoyed the Jose Cuervo.

Oh and then it was also a week of Valentine's Day, the Sun Valley Nordic Fest, and the lunar new year. Celebrations!

Stir in a little bit of torture from exams and bookstore inventory (30,000 books!) and that sums up my week. My busy schedule has forced me to sacrifice precious Olympic-watching time and well-intended nonprofit volunteering. I keep thinking that I'll get into a groove, but I'm pretty groove-less for the time being. Two months after it was issued, I finally accomplished correcting my Idaho driver license so that it doesn't claim my name is "Kisten," but expiring plates and a missing title means that there are more DMV frustrations in my future.

With the inventory mostly complete at work (we finished with a bang at 10:30 PM on day 10: wine, beer, and delusional laughter), I'm looking forward to training in the cafe and taking on my barista duties. Trying not to take it as a bad sign that they haven't contacted me.

This just in: it's snowing. Hopefully we get some white fluffy stuff because it is looking really sad around here. To all the folks lucky enough to be in Vancouver, cowbell it up for me.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like there aren't enough hours in the day for you. Make sure you save a little time on your schedule for just watching the snow fall. Dad.
